The Life of the Study-er

Morning: Wake up, brush your teeth, change, eat, make sure you've done your homework, study some.

After School: Do your homework, eat a snack, study study study study!

Evening/Night: Study, study, study some more, eat dinner, do a research paper for fun, study, write emails to teachers to make sure you've studied correctly.

The Life of the Party-er

Morning: Wake up, brush your teeth, change into something AWESOME, eat, schedule tonight's plans, do your homework on the bus.

After School: Rush off somewhere, come back home, grab a snack, rush off somewhere else, have fun fun fun!

Evening/Night: Party, party, party some more, eat dinner out or at a friend's, throw a dance for fun, write emails to friends to make sure you've got the address of the party correct.


So basically, we've discovered that its not good to be JUST a study-er or JUST a party-er, but it IS good to mix both. Yeah, I'm telling you ITS OKAY to have fun when you want some-just make sure that you're good with studies, first. Homework not done? DON'T go to that movie with Cynthia. Big book report due tomorrow, still not finished? Skip the Starbucks run with Ben and Lauren. Remember, you're growing up-it is ABSOLUTELY FINE to have fun. But ask yourself this first: Am I through with studying today? If the answer's no, I'd advise you to stay home and finish it off.

ily all,
<3 Brigette