Nervous Much?

Your best friend runs up to you. "Did ya hear?" You look puzzled. "The school dance is in 2 weeks! On Valentine's Day, isn't it awesome?" She runs off to tell a group of kids about it. You sigh in excitement, confusion, and, well, terror. You're nervous. All you can think of is the boy you've been crushing on since 2 years ago, and if he will ask you.

Don't be nervous. Why don't you ask him? There is nothing wrong with showing a little independence. And if you're friends think it's weird, don't listen. Boys shouldn't do all the work ;) Hey, he might surprise you and say yes, and he might like you even more because you showed the courage to ask him to the dance, instead of waiting endlessly.

At the Dance

So, you're at the big dance. You get there and he smiles nervously (he said yes!) at you. You get in and on the dance floor, you suddenly start getting nervous. What do you do? Do you just go your separate ways? Thank his mom for giving you a lift? Or... You start to sweat and fumble with your fingers. He smiles awkwardly.

See, he feels the same way you do. He doesn't know what to do! You can tell by his awkward smiles and how he isn't going away or doing anything.

Take the lead! If a fast song is on, start dancing! He'll get the idea, and see that you aren't uncomfortable being here with him. If there's a slow song, and you want to dance with him, ask him. There ain't nothing wrong with that! And if you don't want to make the first move, find your friends. Then if he wants to dance with you, he'll find you and ask. If you don't feel comfortable dancing with him, just politely reject him. He'll understand (or throw a fit and knock down the refreshment table).

I Feel Like Such a Loser

Okay, what if things weren't like that?
What if... what if nobody asked you?

No one asked you? So what? Go with a bunch of friends or just get dropped off and have a good time.  It's not necessary to go with a guy: I know more than half the kids in my school never went with a boy to a dance.

And yeah, boys do NOT have to ask girls to dance. I got a really rude comment about that, and just stand up and show that you're brave: girls are NOT weaker or inferior in any way. Gosh. Whoever wrote that comment to me: seriously? You need to wake up. This is the 21st century. We girls are just as good as guys, and we CAN ask them do dance, ask them out, and do everything that "guys are supposed to ask girls".

So anyway, if no one asks you to slow dance: that's completely alright. You're not a loser, and don't let any... MEAN people tell you that you are. You're a great person, really. Trust me, I would know. (:

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Just Dance: Gunna Be Okay-- if you submit your question, comment or c o n c e r n.