♥ Got Love? ♥

♥ He's finally mine!!! ♥

Okay, so there are SO MANY CONCEPTS to the thing you thought would be soooo simple-a relationship. Yes, you finally got your guy, but no, you should not drop everything to be his one and only. There are a lot of things to balance-yeah, it is fun having a boyfriend, and it should be-but it takes patience, and it shouldn't be just for the fun of having one.

♥ Schoolwork/Grades ♥

First thing's first (although you probably don't want this to be): schoolwork. You can't neglect your schoolwork just because you have a boyfriend. Yes, go out, watch a movie, hang out together. But don't just stop doing homework or not study for that test just to spend every minute with him. He probably isn't doing the same for you.

♥ Friends ♥

Come on now! How could you forget these wonderful people-they might be girls or guys, but they're always there for you. DON'T IGNORE THEM! Sure, now you say, "Yeah, right! Like I ever would," but when you don't realize it, you'll be too wrapped up in 'him' to remember 'them'. Here's a trade: Spend time with him, but make sure that at least a couple of times a week, its just you and your friends. Keep in mind that they won't think of them trailing behind you and him as 'friend time'.

♥ Still Lookin? ♥

Are you still looking for love? Its okay! Its fine! Its completely and totally NORMAL. Don't let it get to you if one of your friends or many of them have boyfriends and you don't. Just wait. One day, someone, be it your best guy friend, a really popular guy, or some guy who's name you don't know, will realize they really like you and work up the courage to ask you out. Hang in there, girl-your time will come.

Need Boyfriend Advice? Here Ya Go!
Only boyfriend advice here guys.  If you need advice for anything else go to the "Advice Column" page. Also visit www.teenadvice1.weebly.com for a person who is way better at love advice than me!!!

P.S. You don't have to leave your email address!!!
P.P.S. You can find the questions and answers on the Advice Column page!!!

Xie Xie!!! (;